A selection of our favourite tunes this week. Stay tuned to catch some hot jazz plus picks every week.
Yussef Kamaal Trio
DJ producer and pianist Henry Wu presented the Yussef Kamaal Trio at a 22a label showcase on Boiler Room alongside Ruby Rushton, and with gigs at Ronnie’s and with Jazz Re:freshed, we’ve been tracking their progress closely.
Christian Scott – Sunrise in Beijing
This mesmerising flickering drum beat is just one of the strings to Christian Scott’s bow on his most recent album, ‘Stretch Music’.
Ty – Groovement
Rely on Ty for quality grooves and bars. This is taken from his 2003 album ‘Upwards’, released on Ninja Tune.
Districts – Gotta Get Thru This
And of course one from our new signing Districts, with their superb cover of the Daniel Bedingfield UKG classic ‘Gotta Get Thru This’.